I have always been a fan of wine, from the first taste on family holidays in Europe
to tastings with current clients there is something magical about the fermented
grape! For me it’s a sensory time machine taking me back to good times had with
friends and family.
I started my professional wine journey all the way back in 2000 working in a wine
call centre. It was great fun helping students, retirees, and everyone in between
pick the wines best for them.
More recently I am a wine consultant helping businesses develop commercial lists
to keep their customers happy. This involves wine tastings to support their new
lists; it’s one of my favourite parts of the job, so naturally, I thought I’d branch out
and offer this to others.
This is where I have come up with Joni Vino, a one-stop shop for wine-tasting
events. I will also write a few things from time to time too, that you the reader
might find interesting or useful.
Happy Drinking!
Joni Vino
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